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Frog Fuel-Power

Price: $45.00

Item Description

1 box with 24 x 1-oz servings The most absorbance ready protein on the market.

Frog Fuel Power Protein: Same formulation we sell as a medical food
100% digestibility in under 15 minutes
Nano-Hydrolyzed Collagen base protein 15g in each 1 fluid ounce serving
Contains 22 Amino Acids
Fortified Amino Acids: Glutamine, Cysteine, Histidine, Methionine, Threonine, Taurine & Tryptophan
Heals tissue at up to 2x its normal rate
Maintains Nitrogen balance helping preserve muscle mass better than whey
60 calories (All protein); sugar, fat, gluten and lactose-free
NO banned substances, NO GMOs, NO artificial flavors
Full Body Support: Collagen supports Joints/Skin/Bones
What makes the protein Medical Grade?

Frog Fuel's protein formulation is used as a medical food under our healthcare label. It is used extensively in the healthcare industry for wound care, bariatric surgery, pressure ulcers, dialysis patients, chemotherapy and patients suffering from malnutrition.

Why is there Taurine in the regular protein? Isn’t it for energy?

No, it’s been marketed that way. Taurine is an intracellular sulphonic amino acid whose synthesis in humans is limited. Taurine is especially effective when combined with our protein as it acts to quickly open the cells allowing the protein to enter. Taurine reduces oxidative stress during extreme physical exertion reducing lactic acid and aiding in recovery.